Daily Schedule

A daily schedule is essential in the life of the Brother because it allows him to constantly fulfill the will of God through obedience to their duty of state. It also provides a constancy to the life of the Brother allowing him to make better use of his time ensuring that no duties get neglected. A constant schedule will provide opportunity to build good habits assuring perseverance and order. The Brother will put his duties before his own personal will allowing him to direct his intentions to God before all his actions.
Weekday Schedule
6:00am – Rise
6:30am – Prime, followed by mental prayer
7:15am – Mass
8:05am – Breakfast
9:00am → 11:45am – Morning classes
11:45am → 12:10pm – Study / prayer time
12:15pm – Sext
12:30pm – Dinner, followed by recreation (talking allowed)
2:00pm – End of recreation (On Wednesday, recreation lasts until 4:00pm, and all brothers must be outside in the warmer months.)
2:10pm → 4:15pm – Manual work – meet in Refectory and come dressed for work
4:15pm → 4:30pm – Coffee break (optional)
4:30pm → 5:25pm – Study / prayer time
4:40pm → 5:25pm – Polyphony practice – Friday only (optional)
5:30pm – Spiritual Conference (except Wed.)
6:00pm – Rosary (w/ Benediction on Thurs.)
6:30pm – Supper (followed by recreation)
8:00pm – End of recreation; study / prayer time
8:30pm – Compline; followed by Grand Silence
10:00pm – Lights out