Novitiate Newsletters
Spring 2023 - The Religious and the Mass
“I saw what the grace of the Holy Mass could do... I saw it in those pagans souls transformed by assistance at Holy Mass, and by the Holy Eucharist.” – Archbishop Lefebvre
Winter 2023 - The Freedom of Detachment
In this issue's main article, Fr. Dean explains the need for detachment in our spiritual life
Fall 2022 - The Good of Obedience
What is true obedience? How can we avoid defect or excess in its practice? Father Dean addresses these points in his article on obedience in this season's newsletter.
Spring 2022 - The Joy of Serving God
“God means earth to be a preparation for, or rather, the vestibule of heaven.” -– Fr. Edward Leen
Fall 2021 - Education of the Brothers
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent.”
Summer 2021 -- The Active Life
Many souls, through the aid of good works done for their neighbor along with faithful prayer, can reach a relatively high union with God.