Our Vision

Holy Angels Novitiate was established in October of 2016. Already, several brothers have already passed through its formation and entered the field of the apostolate. What is its vision for the future?
There is no priory in the Society that would not benefit from a brother. His constant presence at times of prayer brings stability; his life of prayer and sacrifice fertilizes, so to speak, the priests’ apostolate; his physical labor relieves the overburdened. Yet, out of our twenty-one US Priories, only seven currently house a brother. It is our vision to provide an abundance of brothers for the apostolate for our District, through the generosity of the young men who apply.
The Novitiate is already in position to prepare many young men for religious life. With the spacious building and grounds inherited from the seminary, over-crowding will not be a problem for the foreseeable future. Providing professors is also no issue, for there are six priests, a deacon, and several experienced brothers giving instruction. The Novitiate brothers occasionally visit parishes in order to instruct the faithful on the brothers’ life, but especially to encourage the young men to consider a brother’s vocation; we pray that many will come in the future. May God grant many laborers for the harvest!