Brothers' Ceremonies 2022

On the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29th, 2022, after a nine-day retreat preached by Fr. Andrew, OSB, the annual SSPX Brothers' Ceremonies took place at the Novitiate.
This year, Br. Dismas pronounced perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience. Having completed his Novitiate, Br. Jerome pronounced these vows for the first time, for one year. Additionally, eight other brothers renewed their vows - some for one year, others for three years.
These three vows are what make a man a religious. By them, he offers up his entire life to God - his possessions, his body, and his very will. Thus, this day of taking and renewing vows is a most solemn and joyous occasion for the brothers.
Additionally, three young men received the habit and will begin their novitiate in preparation for the vows. Br. Timothy (Timothy De Benedetti), Br. Isaias (Dominic Caley) and Br. Brendan Fiacc (Sean McAuliffe) will study and pray at the Novitiate for two more years before admission to the vows.
Assisting behind the scenes at the retreat, and attending and serving at the ceremonies, were our ten new postulants: seven Americans, two Canadians, and one British. They will live at the Novitiate this coming year and receive basic training in the spiritual life. If they persevere, they may be admitted as novices next year.
As the brothers of the District and other English-speaking areas have just this one time each year to meet together as a group, they take the opportunity to socialize with one another the day following. This year, on September 30th, the brothers let out their competitive spirit in some baseball games at the local Winona Lake Park. In the morning, the Winonan brothers defeated the District brothers in four innings, 20-18; after a fortifying lunch of pizza and ice cream, the brothers tightened their defense and played two better-paced four-inning games in the afternoon: the All-Star Brothers defeated the new postulants 12-6, and the Professed defeated the Novice-Postulant alliance by a score of 7-5.
The festivities concluded with supper at Beedles, a local restaurant specializing in fish. The brothers returned to their assignments around the US - and to England - on October 1st.
Click here to view a gallery of photos from these events.
Please pray for our brothers, present and future!